I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


A Tale Of Two Faces or How God Changed Everything

I’m not sure how to begin telling this story. How do you summarize 18 months of change and the miraculous in your life? No idea but consider this my best effort. Let me begin by describing each picture. The first…

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You Can’t Take It With You

I was scrolling through social media recently and came across a post that stated the only things you can bring with you to heaven are souls. Let me be clear, I am not in any way stating I can save…

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Did You Understand The Assignment? Part 1: Repentance

As much as I do earn my nickname Kat Controversy, for the most part I am a rule follower. I suppose the rules just need to make sense to me in order to win my allegiance to them. But when…

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It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

This phrase is far more than the partial title of a famous song from Boyz II Men. It’s perhaps one of the most basic truths we encounter. Goodbyes can be rough. First, let me be clear, I’m not talking about…

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Pick Me! Pick Me!

I was recently reminded of elementary school gym class. (No, I wasn’t having a nightmare or some PTSD-like flashback, but I can see why you might think that.) As you may recall, the teacher would often choose two captains and…

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Make Big Plans

I’d just finished my Chinese takeout with my family. As is my custom, I grabbed the fortune cookie facing toward me. Have you noticed the messages aren’t really fortunes these days? Sometimes they are odd statements or random thoughts, but…

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Saved And Suicidal

Here’s a quick promo for my latest vlog titled “Saved And Suicidal”. https://rumble.com/v1kxfbp-saved-and-suicidal.html September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I wanted to do my small part to help address this painful subject. In this video, I discuss my own struggles…

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You Were Meant For More

Charles Dickens is arguably most remembered for creating the character of Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge, as we all know if we’ve seen any version of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol over the years, is a man of great wealth, power and prestige….

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