I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


A Tale Of Two Faces or How God Changed Everything

I’m not sure how to begin telling this story. How do you summarize 18 months of change and the miraculous in your life? No idea but consider this my best effort. Let me begin by describing each picture. The first…

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Service With A Smile: Legend Or History?

Editor’s note: Let me state up front I have great respect for those in customer service. I learned at an early age I wasn’t cut out for such work. I don’t have the grace and patience. This article is in…

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May I See Some ID?

Here’s a short video promoting my latest vlog where I did a deep dive based on the first chapter of my recent book “I’m Not Crazy; I’m A Christian”. Who are you? How do you define or identify yourself? Tough…

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Humor. Heart. Hope.

In the famous 1996 movie Jerry Maguire the lead character played by Tom Cruise drafts a mission statement concerning his high-ranking position as an agent for professional athletes. He challenges the status quo by advocating for a more personal, intimate…

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Are You Bruised Or Broken?

I have spent the past few weeks packing up and hauling out a lifetime of memories, memorabilia, and furniture. As a result, my body is covered in bruises. It’s always an interesting experience stepping into the shower and discovering all…

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Welcome To The Land Of Contradiction

Many years ago I proposed an idea for a skit. It was based on this concept of the Land of Contradiction. In the skit, a woman (probably played by me) would be sitting behind a computer with a headset on…

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I Will Turn This Hat Around!

Spring always means a few things for me – flowers blooming, my allergies booming, and spending most of my spare time on a cold, metal bleacher watching baseball, my throat sore from all the cheering. Full disclosure: sometimes it’s not…

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