I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Take Up Your Cross

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me…

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The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Patience is a virtue. Color me unvirtuous. It’s probably fitting I chose a Tom Petty lyric for this week’s title as I might be sounding a little petty. But I like to believe I say (or write) what other people…

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Spontaneous Blog Or Can You Handle Interruptions?

To keep things fresh, and as a writing exercise, I decided to write my blog this week without any preset topic or idea in mind. Writers are observers by nature. We see something and we become inspired. Once inspired, we…

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A Tale Of Two Faces or How God Changed Everything

I’m not sure how to begin telling this story. How do you summarize 18 months of change and the miraculous in your life? No idea but consider this my best effort. Let me begin by describing each picture. The first…

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Do We Need A Speakeasy To Speak Easy?

I was inspired to write this because I’m watching a country I love become less and less recognizable to me. I know that sounds dramatic, and perhaps it is. But what I’ve always loved about this country are the freedoms…

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It’s A Shame There’s No Conviction

“You should be ashamed of yourself.” “Aren’t you ashamed?” “Shame. Shame. Everybody knows your name.” These phrases were part of my childhood. I’m not looking for sympathy here; it’s just a fact. Usually, they were used by my parents in…

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Wait! It’s Just Click Bait.

We’ve probably all been there. Minding our own business, innocently scrolling through social media or emails, then something catches our eye. It might be a curious headline or graphic. Could be a pic of a celebrity we like with a…

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Service With A Smile: Legend Or History?

Editor’s note: Let me state up front I have great respect for those in customer service. I learned at an early age I wasn’t cut out for such work. I don’t have the grace and patience. This article is in…

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Happiness And Joy: One And The Same?

Let me begin by sharing what prompted my selection of topic this week. It all started with watching a short video. A young gentleman performed a skit where his friend (also played by him) came in and was complaining how…

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Oh Me! Oh My! What To Do About A.I.

Artificial Intelligence or A.I. is a fairly hot topic lately. And who doesn’t like seeing a video with Arnold Schwarzenegger playing Little Orphan Annie singing “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow” to Joe Rogan as Daddy Warbucks? (And, yes, that…

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