I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


What Elephant? There’s No Elephant.

I begin this article with a confession. I have been butchering a common expression for most of my adult life. The correct phrase is to “ignore the elephant in the room”. As I’m sure you know, it means there’s some…

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It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year?

When we’re kids the holidays can be a magical time. We’re excited for presents and all the festivities. Everywhere we go we see decorations and lights. We may be in Christmas plays or other holiday-themed concerts and such. I looked…

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Saved And Suicidal

Here’s a quick promo for my latest vlog titled “Saved And Suicidal”. https://rumble.com/v1kxfbp-saved-and-suicidal.html September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. I wanted to do my small part to help address this painful subject. In this video, I discuss my own struggles…

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May I See Some ID?

Here’s a short video promoting my latest vlog where I did a deep dive based on the first chapter of my recent book “I’m Not Crazy; I’m A Christian”. Who are you? How do you define or identify yourself? Tough…

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