I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


A Winter Of Discontent

(This article first appeared in Calla Press http://callapress.com back in November 2022. Encourage you to visit their site and check them out on Instagram @callapressandkin Great values. Great content.) If you ever studied Shakespeare in school, this title may sound…

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It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

This phrase is far more than the partial title of a famous song from Boyz II Men. It’s perhaps one of the most basic truths we encounter. Goodbyes can be rough. First, let me be clear, I’m not talking about…

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It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year?

When we’re kids the holidays can be a magical time. We’re excited for presents and all the festivities. Everywhere we go we see decorations and lights. We may be in Christmas plays or other holiday-themed concerts and such. I looked…

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