I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian

Category: Blog

You Can’t Take It With You

I was scrolling through social media recently and came across a post that stated the only things you can bring with you to heaven are souls. Let me be clear, I am not in any way stating I can save…

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Clinging To A Lie Rather Than Facing Truth

It’s been a minute since I posted here. I was taking a much-needed break and making memories with family and friends. I was also spending quality time in prayer and thoughtful meditation about many issues facing us today. Let me…

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Wildfires. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Floods. Economic instability. War. Famine. Division. I could list many more issues currently plaguing our world. There seems to be no shortage of chaos. Living in such unsettling times can be difficult. Even if we tune it…

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You May Want, But Do You Have The One Thing You Need?

We all have wants. Whether it’s material possessions, a certain position or career, a goal, a relationship, whatever it may be, we all have them. We also have needs. What is the difference between a want and a need? I…

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80s Flashback

I never wanted to sound like my parents. No kid ever wants to utter a phrase that begins with, “Back in my day” or “When I was your age”. I shuddered just now as I typed those words out. Yet…

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Do We Need A Speakeasy To Speak Easy?

I was inspired to write this because I’m watching a country I love become less and less recognizable to me. I know that sounds dramatic, and perhaps it is. But what I’ve always loved about this country are the freedoms…

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It’s A Shame There’s No Conviction

“You should be ashamed of yourself.” “Aren’t you ashamed?” “Shame. Shame. Everybody knows your name.” These phrases were part of my childhood. I’m not looking for sympathy here; it’s just a fact. Usually, they were used by my parents in…

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Seeking Significance

As I begin this piece, I realize I may have addressed this area in one way or another in previous posts. I was prompted to write about it once again after experiencing a rather low point the last few days….

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When Social Contagion Consumes A Nation

Unless my math is incorrect (and it could be because I’m not great with numbers), this is my 60th blog post. Of all the topics I could choose to commemorate this historic occasion, I’ve chosen one which will definitely earn…

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Wait! It’s Just Click Bait.

We’ve probably all been there. Minding our own business, innocently scrolling through social media or emails, then something catches our eye. It might be a curious headline or graphic. Could be a pic of a celebrity we like with a…

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