I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian

Category: Blog

Spontaneous Blog Or Can You Handle Interruptions?

To keep things fresh, and as a writing exercise, I decided to write my blog this week without any preset topic or idea in mind. Writers are observers by nature. We see something and we become inspired. Once inspired, we…

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A Tale Of Two Faces or How God Changed Everything

I’m not sure how to begin telling this story. How do you summarize 18 months of change and the miraculous in your life? No idea but consider this my best effort. Let me begin by describing each picture. The first…

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Spiritual vs Spirit-filled

“I’m spiritual.” You may have heard someone say that phrase, or you might have used it at one time or another. This week we’re going to discuss if there is a difference between being Spiritual and being Spirit-filled. (Spoiler alert:…

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Be Humble, Help Others Not Stumble

Let me preface this piece by stating something I’ve declared in nearly every one of my 75 blog posts. (Did you catch the subtle flex in that sentence?) I am a resident expert on absolutely nothing. What I carry are…

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New Year Same God

There’s a social media trend (yes, another one) where people are posting their “Ins” and “Outs” for the new year. For example: In – more quality time with me; Out – less time with people and places that aren’t right…

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Naughty Or Nice?

As I write this, we are less than two weeks away from Christmas. The older I get the faster time seems to fly by. I remember when I was little it felt like an eternity between Halloween and Christmas. In…

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Rededication: The Best Gift To Give This Season

I recently had the privilege of witnessing my nephew’s water baptism. No, he wasn’t a little baby dressed all in white. He’s a grown man. People have different opinions on when someone should be baptized into the faith. Some sects…

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Never Say Never Again

Am I the only one who said, “I would never do that,” only to find myself one day doing (or saying) the very thing I vowed I wouldn’t? How about this: you’ve given up an unhealthy habit or behavior. You’ve…

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The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled…

Finish the quote. I bet you probably can. But just in case, and in the interest of time, here you go: …was convincing the world he didn’t exist. Though its origin isn’t from the movie The Usual Suspects, that film…

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Dare To Be Different

I was a teenager in NY in the 1980s. In high school my favorite radio station was WLIR 92.7 FM. There may be some of you reading this who can’t imagine a time before Sirius XM, Spotify, Pandora, or any…

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