I'm Not Crazy; I'm a Christian


Dare To Be Different

I was a teenager in NY in the 1980s. In high school my favorite radio station was WLIR 92.7 FM. There may be some of you reading this who can’t imagine a time before Sirius XM, Spotify, Pandora, or any…

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Leave It All On The Field

If you’ve ever played a sport or been part of a team, you may have heard this phrase or a variation. It means to go out and give it your all. Do your very best. Try your hardest. Spare no…

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Trad Life Is For The Meek, Not The Weak

Disclaimer: This week’s topic might stir up some controversy. Stop now if you think reading a different perspective on an issue will negatively impact you. Thanks. Being born in the late 60s, I had the unique distinction of being alive…

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