2022: How Did You Do?

Hey y’all. Please check out this promo spot for my latest video up on my Rumble channels. (Links are below. It’s all free and all for you.)

Kat Controversy: https://rumble.com/v22nnpo-2022-how-did-you-do.html

Kat and Andee Far From Normal: https://rumble.com/v22nif4-2022-how-did-you-do.html

As we get ready to usher in a brand new year, it’s the best time to look back over the current one and take stock.

Many may want to leave 2022 in the dust. Buh bye!! But sometimes we need to look back (briefly) to assess what worked (or didn’t).

In this video, I review resolutions past and present and gives some encouragement to everyone as we get ready to welcome 2023.  I hope you’ll go check it out.

Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy, stay in the know.





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